

Laura Dannan is a singer songwriter from Hertfordshire, UK.

With her quirky narrative style and relatable lyrics, Laura's songs combine story telling with the use of vivid imagery as she brings a lighthearted approach to pondering life's trials and tribulations.

Becoming a musician slightly later in life, Laura initially learnt to play the drums, and proceeded to launch a successful drummer interview series and vlog called "Drum Quest" on You Tube :

Then in the first lockdown of 2020 she decided to teach herself guitar, and her love of songwriting really began.

Fast forward to now and Laura has had a great couple of years performing and sharing her songs to wonderful audiences in a variety of places including folk clubs, festivals, and iconic London music venues including "The Troubadour" and the "Half Moon Putney".

Laura is also founder of The Flying Squirrels Club - more details can be found here: /the-fsc

Laura lives in St. Albans, a beautiful roman city just north of London, and is mum to two teenage girls... and Stella the cat. She is rather partial to a large glass of red at about 5pm and likes to consume  chocolate frequently. Laura is a sunset lover who also enjoys making candles and aromatherapy potions ( she is a qualified Aromatherapist ). As well as that, she loves sharing musical joy with little ones in her work as a part time early years music teacher with her /little-sunbeams 

At the moment Laura is focussing on recording her songs and working on her first album, and preparing for her TEDx St. Albans talk in October, so please sign up to her monthly blog / newsletter ( enter your email below) to keep in touch and hear about how things are going with all that :)